Leadership is defined as 'the action of leading a group of people or an organization'. To me, leadership is more then just leading but aswell inspiring and empowering.

My name is Kayla St.Croix, currently enrolled Level II student at Mobile Central High. As a Horizon Student, this blog will not only be about leadership and volunteerism in my life, but everything else I do that contribute to my life.

As Kevin Garnett said, "Anything is possible."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I think it has been from all my many, many injuries from sports, that I have grown this weird love for the hospital. My mom thinks it is rather strange, as when I enter the hospital I feel a little at home.

Right now, my plan is to go to MUN to study Nursing. Hopefully I become successful, and apply to Med school. I plan to specialize in Pediatrics, as all my work with young kids has really influenced me. I have such a love for them.

Anything medical, and I am drawn in. Maybe it's because my mom is a nurse and for as long as I can remember, I have heard more things about health than anything else. I remember being told to eat my carrots because it waas good for my eyes, or drink milk for strong bones like other kids. But then it was mom taking home CPR videos and me practicing along with my little doll or playing with my mom's stethoscope and bloodpressure cuff. I could successfully take accurate bloodpressure at the age 9, even though I didnt quite understand  what it meant.

Through my volunteer, extracirricular and work experience with both kids, sports and recreation has greatly shaped. Often I consider Kinesiology or physical education, but I am just going to take life as it comes, instead of planning too far in advance.

I plan to continue my volunteering, as far to hopefully take part in a international project through volunteer projects like Projects Abroad etc.. I think it would be cool to volunteer with an organization on the other side of the world. To know I have made an impact miles and miles away, would be just amazing. Whether it be big or small, we must start somewhere.

At MUN, I can see myself becoming part of clubs or societies. MUNSU sounds pretty awesome, and being a part of the Horizons Team that helps organize our LDW and LEAP would be awesome. As I approach MUN, I know I will look further into those specifics as I find a club or society I am very interested in and passionate for. The balance between what love to do, need to do and want to do..Thats what its all about right?

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